Friday, May 22, 2009

Top Three ...

I've decided to start a new recurring post theme. This way, when I run out of proper post ideas (like today) but still feel I need to update out of blogourtesy, I easily can!

Today's Top 3: Favourite things to buy from the grocery store

1) Chips n' Dip (sold separately obviously):
Because these are a party food that indicates that I am probably going to have a good time before, during or after eating them. That or it's going to be a saaaad Friday night in front of the T.V. waiting for my COR shift to start ... again.

2) Grapefruit
Because I get to feel nutritionally superior the shoppers I pass later in the pop and candy isle. "Why yes I DO enjoy eating this healthy and delicious sphere that is a ruby grapefruit, don't You?" (It's all a little Angelina Jolie-ish really if by 'eating' I meant "adopting"and by grapefruit I meant "child from a third world country")

3) McCain's Deep n Delicious Cake
Because it's deep, delicious, and it's cake ... need I say more? ... here is a picture of me last year when I decided to buy a Deep and Delicious cake... mmmmmmm

Hey does anyone remember the commercials where they were harkening back to Marie Antoinette and it was all fancy dress and cake eating ... Click Here to reminisce

on that note of reminiscence (is this a word?)... take a look at this clip from the fantastic gameshow Supermarket sweep - I feel like I watched way too much tv as a child because I know ALL these random shows that peers are like "whuh?" but I guess i just watched many shows in small doses which is probably not so bad. Anyway - thought this was appropriate considering the topic of this post so enjoy, or don't, I don't care much really. Happy Weekend All!


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