Friday, May 29, 2009

Cottage Life

If I had a cottage of my very own I think I'd like it to look somewhat like this. Maybe a little smaller in order to up the cozy but definitely making us
e of window seats in the bedroom and for the purpose of an eating nook. How precious that little booth is! I'd probably listen to more folky music like that of Blitzen Trapper (listen to Furr below) and do proper scrapbooking and scavenge wood and berries from the forest and survive on a diet of fish. pfft - that was all a complete lie. lie lie lies - why can't I stop lying ... this is just like that time I apologized for making fun of Bon Eyever .... but let's not get into that.


ivana m. said...

a full response will follow, this response is to warn you that A STORM IS COMING


* ivana

Economista said...

Great Place !!! I would like to have a cottage house like this too!

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