Saturday, May 16, 2009

Goalatude Progress Update: G.2

I've been working dilligently on (some of) my Goalatudes. I've been biking/walking to work/the gym and going on bike rides through the forest - Goalatude #4 - CHECK! I've sometimes tried reading the french on the sides of food packaging - Goalatude #3 - semi-CHECK! I've decided on some craft projects to work on and begun collecting the materials necessary - Goalatude #7 - CHECK-in-Progress. I studied in detail a map of the Arctic Ocean and the claims held by Russia, Canada, the U.S., Denmark on their 'respective' ownership of the Arctic Shelf - a map that came from one of my National Geographics - Goalatude #5 - CHECKTASTIC. And I've finally finished reading the ever-amazing Through Black Spruce by Joseph Boyden! That means I only have 6 1/2 more books to read to complete goalatude #2. But that's not ALL kids - I've already begun reading my next book - and this one i've been excited to read for over a year now - MY BOOKY WOOK by Russell Brand! I'm only on page 32 - but I already love it!


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