Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cereal Sweetness

Sometimes in life you are having a grumpy time - It's not especially harder than other times, but your attitude about life if not that good. These are the moments when little thoughtful things make all the difference. Like receiving the sunglasses you've only dreamed of for a present (thanks mum!) or someone looking out for you in the most trivial of ways. This past week my stepmum came home with boxes of fun cereal (let's step aside and let me explain: I don't really like cereal but I loooooves funcereal. Nesquik cerearl, Luck Charms - you get the idea - these tend to be the cereals that are NEVER bought in my house). Back to the story: my stepmum pulled out a box of Corn Pops and I got a little excited - finally I can stop eating toast for breakfast/elevensies. Of course, in any story there is an antagonist who just must my my (protagonist) route harder. In this case ... and in many cases I guess, this is my brother. He Loves any cereal, as long as there is an abundance of sugar also handy. He eats on average 3-4 bowls a day - it's gross. Anyway, when I said the Corn Pops looked delicious my stepmum rightfully warned that I should make sure to get them early before they disappear into the bottomless pit that is my brother. The next morning after everyone had left for work/school I wandered into the kitchen and found this bowl of Corn Pops on the table - carefully covered in Saranwrap with my name on it. =D apparently this was a joint effort by my sister and my stepmum to allow me to enjoy those delicious Corn Pops - and boy were they delicious!

What I'm Listening To: How Deep Is Your Love cover by The Bird and the Bee. If you do not LOVE the BeeGees we cannot be friends ... ever. Dorcas gave me this cover months ago ... but I just now am truly beginning to appreciate it.
The Bird And The Bee - How Deep Is Your Love
Found at bee mp3 search engine


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