Friday, November 28, 2008

Pepper and Patty or Pepper Patty?

Unlike many city dwellers, I don't mind the various creature running around in urban areas. Well, that's not entirely true. I have inherited a well-placed digust and distrust of possums. This one time I opened the side door at my dad's house and there was this huge possum perched on the fence. I smile and then it hissed and oh my god the the memory of its unsightly tail still makes me cringe. But I digress. I guess I just don't mind racoons (so cute and clever), rabbits (squeel-worthy cuteness), chipmunks (my kin), and even squirrels. Generally squirrels tend to be the most prominent in suburbia and while in Oakville they content themselves with chewing rabbidly at our windowsills and napping on fences, in Kingston they have been hardened - more streetwise one might say. I've seen some pretty unsightly squirrels in my time in Kingston. One popped out of the garbage can when I went to throw out an apple core on my way to class. Another, missing a leg, limped sinisterly around Summerhill while I was trying to take a picture, as if it wanted to purposely ruin my picture. Anyway, I have met two squirrels in my time that have properly frightened me. One last year, and one (shiver) TODAY. the first (pictured above) was the fattets squirrel I have ever seen and it sat on the fence in that position outside our kitchen window for at least 15 minutes ... watching me .... eating. I knock on the window and everything and it just sat there. Again this year I was sitting at my desk working on my computer and just by chanced peered out the window only to see this squirrel looking directly at me (sorry 'bout the dodgy photo) in much the same way as the squirrel had last year. I don't want to jump to any conclusions here but either these two know each other and both dislike me, or they are the SAME squirrel. Needless to say I am a little apprehensive about leaving the house again today... will post back if any incident occurs with Pepper and Patty (i've decided these shall be their/its names: this way I can easily combine them if I find evidence proving they are the same squirrel)

On a completely unrelated note I realized I've posted some links to music I like and yet I totally bypassed posting a link to the song which this blog is named after: Take Your Carriage Clock and Shove it, by Belle & Sebastian

Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Those Snowflakes are Magic"

This past Tuesday night I had the pleasure of attending a Stars concert at the Sydenham St. United Church. The venue itself is something to talk about ... I've never been to a concert in which the seats were pews and a book of hymns was at the ready if you found yourself getting antsy waiting for the show to start. The opening act was a little curious ... more honky tonk than I had mentally prepared for, but I made it through unscathed. I was a little nervous that one or all of the concert-goers would be smote by a lightening bolt for a) language, b) peeing on bushes outside the church or c) one guy yelling "play Free Bird" repeatedly at various points during the opening act and the main event. Also concerning to me was the level of indie knowledge the other concert-goers loudly proclaimed to have. I hate to judge, but well, I LOVE to judge and I'm sorry but Iron and Wine's cover of Such Great heights and the Arcade Fire should not be used to prove your indie bravado (I know the word doesn't really work but it's staying) in any situation. In any case the concert was quite enjoyable; my favourite song of the night was The Night Starts Here off of In Our Bedroom after the War (check it: My favourite quote of the night was "Those snowflakes are Magic!" which was Ainsley's comment when she directed my attention to the children's hand - size snowflakes that could be seen through the stained-glass windows.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thursday Night Television Rocks!

Every thursday night I anxiously await the posting of the latest episodes of two of my favourite shows onto Youtube ... Ponderland and Nevermind the Buzzcocks. Let me take this time now to indulge in the top 5 reasons I love Nevermind the Buzzcocks and its ultra amazing host Simon Amstel in no particular order:

1) Simon Amstel's snippy quips and general disdain for guests, Amstel is painfully aware of the calibre of guests they often get on the show and doesn't mind telling them
2) Choreographed Dancing to "No Air"
3) Simon in a Bunny suit
4) Amstel's ability to make guests walk off the show (i.e. Preston what's-his-face, from that band that no one has heard of outside the U.K.: "That's out of order!") Check it:
5) The music! sometimes good, sometimes awesome and Always enjoyable to listen to the guests try and hum out the tune of more often than not obscure ditties! (is ditties a word? if not - I am officially making it one)

In the Spirit of NMTB, Here's some MGMT which was featured on the show ...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's That Time of Year Again ...

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

First, but not last, Christmas Post

Some may say that decorating, listening to holiday music or doing anything else related to Christmas before the month of December is sacrilege ... but I take issue with this. Christmas is the best time of the year ... for some it is a season unto itself. How can you possibly limit it to The month of December, or for that matter - the 12 days of Christmas, or just Christmas Day.

Any time after October 31st is an acceptable time to start celebrating the joy that is Christmastime. My housemates and I have take this to heart by having our apartment decorated by the end of the second week in November. Another argument can be made for this early foray into christmastime joyousness. We'll be going home for the Christmas holidays, me being the last to leave mid December. So ... If we don't start decorating and celebrating now, we'll barely have a month to enjoy all our decorations at our own place! Now THAT would be Sacrilege! Anyhow, It's not like we go overboard or anything... Enjoy some pictures of our Christmas Decorations! Also below enjoy my new favourite Christmas Song for this year - It just narrowly beat out Same Old Lang Syne, the reigning favourite from last year. Note, as Dorcas did, baby Jesus' effeminate quality.

What I'm Listening To: Donna and Blitzen - Badly Drawn Boy

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Breakfast at 3:00

soooo good....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

~ A Tie Tale ~

The Setting: a rainy saturday evening

The Characters: 3 housemates

The Problem: 1 housemate - Calvin - can't do his tie up properly.

How It Went Down: While chatting with Calvin for a good ten - fifteen minutes I realized the entire time he had been trying - very unsuccessfully to do up his tie properly. I called him on this and he finally consulted an online guide, but STILL failed miserably. I called Dorcas for re-enforment. Maybe she could help. She too was unable to master the tie tying until using her crackberry (Maddie) to contact who I can only guess was some sort of Tie-Diety, because after numerous more attempts, including changing positions (standing, kneeling [pictured]) akin to a rain dance, wearer of the tie (Calvin, Dorcas) - the tie was finally done up properly! I don't know if this is what you call a Windsor or half Windsor or what but it works! Calvin can now attend his formal without the shame of a poorly tied tie! YAY! Peace on Earth yada yada yada...

What I'm Listening to: Trouble is a Friend - Lenka
Check It:

How I Found Myself in Backyardigans

So instead of working on my paper, or doing anything remotely productive, last night I tuned into Treehouse TV and discovered GOLD! The Backyardigans is a computer animated show aimed at 2-5 year olds, but I think people of all ages can enjoy the amazingness that is this show. Complete with musical numbers, choreographed dancing AND my cartoon doppelgänger- Tyrone. Tyrone is a good-natured (and sometimes fearful) red-haired orange moose, so with one obvious exception, we are like twins! In addition, Pablo, a bubbly blue penguin, famous for his blue bow tie and his blue and yellow propeller hat is like the twin of my buddy Kiani. Due to Pablo's energy and impetuousness, he takes the lead in many situations, but often goes into a "panic attack" when he faces an obstacle, running around in circles and blabbering nonsense - yup, that's her. Anyway, I strongly recommend watching Backyardigans if not for the questionable voice work, number of song and dance routines, then because everyone needs a fix of a red-haired moose, propeller-hat wearing penguin, and a purple kangaroo! back to my paper ...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Agnes, Bjork and a couple of Rembrants

About a week ago my mum came to visit me at school. We ended up visiting the Agnes Etherington Art Centre which is an art gallery right in the middle of the Queen's University campus, whose claim to fame is the fact that they display not one but two Rembrants side by side. While these are truly spectacular, I was more taken with a new installation by Harun Farocki: one image doesn't take the place of the previous one. In my favourite part of this Exhibit, called Workers Leaving the Factory in Eleven Decades, multiple televisions were set up along the floor of the room with corresponding headphones available. All televisions played a clip from a different era depicting workers leaving a factory including Charlie Chaplin and even Bjork and Peter Stormare. Another, Dubbing replays Robert DeNiro's famous "You Talkin' To Me" scene from Taxi Driver over and over again in multiple languages. This is exhibit is well worth the $4 (adult) or free admision (student) if you are in Kingston or looking to kill time on campus.
Check it:
Agnes Etherington Art Centre Website:

Listening To: Scared & Warwick Avenue- Duffy

Check it: and

Who You Gonna Call?

So it is a bea-u-tiful, sunny afternoon in Kingston and of course I am being held captive by my paper for my American Contemporary Literature class. That being said i've managed to steal away from my dog-eared copy of Arthur Miller's Crucible to spend time with my newborn blog. I made it clear in my previous post that I really had no set topics or direction for this blog, but what I do have on this sunny afternoon is a tale to tell. This tale is best read against the tune of Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. 'BUSTIN' Makes Me Feel Good!'

So anyways ...

It was a cold, dark, and scary night. Actually I think it was mid-October, which was quite temperate, and it was more like morning, about 1:00am. I was lying in bed just crossing into dreamland when suddenly my bed began to shake. At first I thought I was imagining this, or that somehow I was causing it myself, but I had to be sure. I lept out of bed and turned on a light. The bed was suspiciously still. I went through some of the logical possibilities: maybe there was a rat or small mammal living in between my mattresses or possibly even that tiny, evil, troll who lives behind the skirting board of a girl's room in Steven King's Cat Eye. I prayed it wasn't the latter and lifted up my mattress to inspect. RELIEF: there was nothing there. I got back in bed this time focusing hard. When the bed began to shake again I knew for sure it wasn't me. And THEN ... I fell asleep, it was 1:00 am - I was tired. I tried to tell my housemates about my experience, but they brushed it off thinking I had somehow imagined it. That is until another mysterious event took place. A couple weeks after the bed incident I was working in my room. It was quite cold and there was a major draft coming from the hall. I shut the window in the hall and bathroom, but it was still freezing. My housemate, Calvin wasn't home, so I stuck my head in his room only to find his large window completely open, curtain billowing and all. I quickly and securely shut the window then went to class. When I asked Calvin later why his window had been open on such a cold day and that I had shut it he said that he HADN'T left his window open but that when he had come home it was open. This was AFTER I had shut it! At this point I became convinced that the 2nd floor of our apartment was haunted. I relayed the story to friends, but Dorcas, my other housement refused and still refuses to believe. I am adament that this is because her room is on the first floor of our place and the poltergiest had manifested itself only on the top floor. Thankfully there have been no other incidents but I suspect there will be...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why Blog?

Why Blot (read: not)? The simplest answer to this question is "David Bowie told me to do it in a dream." This however is neither a) true, b) of my own creation (Flight of the Conchords - represent). I have no true reason to blog and As of yet I have still to determine the true purpose or even subject matter that will be covered. Yet for all this uncertainty there are a few things I am positive about:

1) I will write as often or infrequently as I care to

2) I will probably post pictures: puppies, rainbows, etc.

3) I'll touch on favourite music, t.v. shows, movies, books

4) Rant about school, life etc., basically rant full stop

This is shaping up to be not so bad a list of topics as I originally had thought. But, it is late (for me anyhow) and I do have an 8:30 class tomorrow ...

until next time...

What I'm listening to: Escape from Dragon House - Dengue Fever

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