The Setting: a rainy saturday evening
The Characters: 3 housemates
The Problem: 1 housemate - Calvin - can't do his tie up properly.
How It Went Down: While chatting with Calvin for a good ten - fifteen minutes I realized the entire time he had been trying - very unsuccessfully to do up his tie properly. I called him on this and he finally consulted an online guide, but STILL failed miserably. I called Dorcas for re-enforment. Maybe she could help. She too was unable to master the tie tying until using her crackberry (Maddie) to contact who I ca
n only guess was some sort of Tie-Diety, because after numerous more attempts, including changing positions (standing, kneeling [pictured]) akin to a rain dance, wearer of the tie (Calvin, Dorcas) - the tie was finally done up properly! I don't know if this is what you call a Windsor or half Windsor or what but it works! Calvin can now attend his formal without the shame of a poorly tied tie! YAY! Peace on Earth yada yada yada...
What I'm Listening to: Trouble is a Friend - Lenka
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