Some may say that decorating, listening to holiday music or doing anything else related to Christmas before the month of December is sacrilege ... but I take issue with this. Christmas is the best time of the year ... for some it is a season unto itself. How can you possibly limit it to The month of December, or for that matter - the 12 days of Christmas, or just Christmas Day.
Any time after October 31st is an acceptable time to start celebrating the joy that is Christmastime. My housemates and I have take this to heart by having our apartment decorated by the end of the second week in November. Another argument can be made for this early foray into christmastime
joyousness. We'll be going home for the Christmas holidays, me being the last to leave mid December. So ... If we don't start decorating and celebrating now, we'll barely have a month to enjoy all our decorations at our own place! Now THAT would be Sacrilege! Anyhow, It's not like we go overboard or anything... Enjoy some pictures of our Christmas
Decorations! Also below enjoy my new favourite Christmas Song for this year - It just narrowly beat out Same Old Lang Syne, the reigning favourite from last year. Note, as Dorcas did, baby Jesus' effeminate quality.
What I'm Listening To: Donna and Blitzen - Badly Drawn Boy
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