Monday, May 11, 2009

A Picture's Worth A Thousand Presumptions

To further apologize for my poor blog etiquette towards Ivana I thought I would FINALLY post this picture which has been chillin' in my picture folder for months! Nothing about this room particularly grabs my eye or makes me ooh/ahh - it's much too contemporary and cold for my taste. What did make me want to share this though, is the framed picture of OBAMA. I myself am not as enthralled with Obama as some other people are, but I know Ivana l-l-l-luuuuvs this man and so naturally thought she'd be interested in seeing someone who feels the same way - unless they are trying to achieve some sort of ironic decor. This got me thinking about how in years previously, seeing a framed photo (however stylized) of the President of the U.S. would be something I'd associate with "hillbillies" - I know for a fact DOG the Bounty Hunter has a framed picture of Bush in his DAKINE BONDS office. But somehow, when it's Obama I assume thi person is an educated "Yankee" =D .... ponder ....


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