Friday, July 10, 2009

Top 3 .......Internet Sites of the Week

I am off work today, lovely! I've been really off my blog as of late, just not interested, probably because I have been busy living rather than reporting about living. But I believe there can be a balance - I'm just still trying to figure out how to manage it.

Today's Top 3 is a lazy one - I didn't have to search my soul or weigh different options to decide what made the list and what didn't ... I just looked at my internet history and blam! Here are my Top 3 Internet Sites of the Week:
1) Jezebel
Well, my fellow blogette has been recommending this for a couple years now and though previously I would stop by just because, NOW it is a regular interwebulous destination for me - thoughtful, interesting, funny current events/ entertainment blogging! Also the comments under post are actually as good as the story - first evah!
have a read at:

2) BBC Radio
I found that working at home can be lonely (though I still greatly prefer it to going out to work) and as such I often put on music so I'm not just left in silence with my work. Problem, even though I have loads of music - I've heard all of it before and sometimes there is a NEED for something different. I can only take so much of weekday CBC radio so I went online and found you can stream any BBC Radio station online! So much better than North American radio ... by far - I haven't heard Pussycat Dolls or Nickelback once!

3) Goop
AHAHAHAHAHAHA - this site just makes me giggle. I don't like Gwyneth Paltrow, she is the quintessential 'Holier than thou' famous person. I strongly believe she started this newsletter because she felt it was her purpose to educate and culture the lay people of the world ... and with hilarious results. My favourite thing so far? The motto of the site: "Nourish the Inner Aspect". Okay, here's a suggestion Mrs. Martin ... nourish your own 'inner aspect' and leave the rest of us alone. I also don't like how she listed Keep the Car Running by The Arcade Fire as one of her top 10 party jams ... not only is it one of my least favourite AF songs, but it ain't no party jam.
have a laugh at:


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