Thursday, July 23, 2009

21 Accents

Oh how fancy! 21 different accents all by one lady. I do take issue with the accent supposedly from Toronto - I know of no one who speaks that way in the GTA. Maybe if you head up north in Ontario, or to rural Alberta, or more likely the East Coast you'll have better luck ... which conveniently reminds me of a topic that I forgot to blog about months ago:

The Week the Women Went on CBC was a reality/documentary that aired on CBC last year and the year before that, I believe. And it is pretty great. I've not lived in small town Canada, but I can confidently say I don't want to given the examples of domestic life this show presents... have a look see for yourself:


ivana m. said...

ummm LOVE LOVEEEEEE the new design of the blog


cait said...

oh thanks so much - I get bored so easily so hopefully this one lasts longer than the rest. It took me ages to find a template even a little okay.

Template by - background image by elmer.0