Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Morning Headlines

Today I was on the CBC News homepage browsing through headlines to see if there was anything of interest when I noticed a discrepancy in the types of stories being reported in the different areas of Canada. Obviously there is all sorts of things going on from coast to coast, but it struck me as rather funny that while in my area of the country, the GTA, the top headlines are strikes, immigration and murder, in P.E.I. the headlines are speeders beware, sporting facilities upgraded and roadwork ....... how .... cute. And I mean that in the best possible way! I mention P.E.I. because in about 2 1/2 weeks I will embark on an epic roadtrip to the very island for a summer holiday - I am so amped to cross the Confederation Bridge - how cool is that?!

In other CBC news: I just happened upon an article on Tim Hortons' expansion into the U.S., more specifically downtown Manhattan. I love how the banner in the picture for this article reads: Tim Hortons coffee and bake shop ....... how long has it been since they've needed that description on a Canadian shop I wonder? Also I feel like the article got the number of store locations in North America wrong - 3,500?! Are you kidding ... I practically live in a fricken' Tim Hortons! I thought everyone had their own?


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