Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Special Delivery!

Today while blogging and working the doorbell rang - and who should it be but a courier with a package from the Queen's Campus Bookstore just for me!!! I got the brilliant idea last week to order some of the books I'll have to read for the two English seminars I will be taking this coming year. I am always shamed when the end of the year comes and I've not been able to read all the required material for a course. I am especially nervous about my shortcomings this year because I'm enrolled in small seminar courses where I'll be expected to participate regularly with thoughtful input, hard to do/fake when you've not read anything. And once I'm unable to complete one book the whole semester is blown, I can never catch up. Case in point: I could not for the life of me get through Invisible Man last fall semester and do you think I successfully read all the novels that followed in my American Contemporary Literature class? Of course not. Neuromancer, Woman on the Edge of Time both only half finished ...
I decided that in conjunction with Goalatude 2 (which by the way I've read 2 1/1 more books since by last Goalatude update!) I would try an read as many of the (mostly long) novels for one of my seminars. I've started with Austen's Northanger Abbey which I'm only 20 pages into and already am enjoying. Then maybe I'll read Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Grey, because it is short and there is a greater chance of success with it. All in all I'm quite excited to start this reading adventure, I've wanted to read Middlemarch forever and Villette's back cover description intrigues me. The only novel I am not so excited to delve into of the group I ordered is Wuthering Heights - I've purposefully avoided this novel for 21 years and now it's finally caught up with me.... help. Wish me Luck! (I guess my pouffy Georgette Heyer books will have to wait - okay by me, I love owning books I've not yet read - Antici ...... pation)


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