Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Grind

Helloo my lovelies, what a day it has been. I haven't worked a full work day in weeks and today and again tomorrow, I'm downtown (like Petula Clark sang) working my buns off. Today I arose with the sun (which is early since it's summer) and was mercifully driven into the city by my boss (read: uncle). Also a plus was that his new car has a month trial of satellite radio (my new favourite thing) and we listened to BBC1 all the way! The day however took a turn for the worst when I realized that in my rush to get out the door I had forgotten my water bottle, a book, anything to keep me sane during the long waiting hours between focus groups... Tomorrow I will make sure I gets that shiz organized. By 1pm I felt like I was part of the Sartre play No Exit, only instead of of Ines, Garcin and Estelle, It's Me, Myself and I in my own personal hell - trapped with no window or brain stimulus. By the end of the day I was so frazzled that I walked down the wrong way to the subway and said aloud: "... - THE EFF? Why does Yonge all of a sudden only go Northbound from Bloor?!" Shamefaced, I had to look at a map of the subway on the wall then walk back up and to the other side. Then I sat for an extended period of time on my car while all the 'on-the-ball' commuters popped off the train at Union. I had totally not heard the announcement and only jumped off and shimmied out of the train when I caught a glimpse of a Union Station sign. embarrassing! The only thing worse than not knowing where your going while travelling 'round Toronto at rush hour is looking like you don't know where you're going. Being from suburbia, I have everything to prove - being me - I fail (but not always, let's not get crazy)! -3 hour interlude- and just got back from schooling William's remedial server - I think I gave him enough sassafrass (was just a plant, now is my go-to word for attitude/sass) to last him for the week. bedtime for me, May not be able to post for a while due to the vacay, but we'll see...

Love this song, was playing as we motored into Toronto this morning, how appropriate:
Iglu & Hartly- In This City:


ivana m. said...

when are you back in the blogosphere?!?!?!?

okay the exclamation marks are unnecessary, it's really just a question I'm asking.

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