Monday, July 27, 2009

True Garbage, more like

So I watched True Blood last night. *Hands on hips/furrowed brow* What the hell was that?!? I have been praising this show from the beginning, but this season has been exceptionally underwhelming. NOTHING HAPPENED - AGAIN! pfft. I am sick of them dragging out boringness and I am soooooo sick os Sookie. Worst leading woman in the history of HBO - In the name of all things holy please get ON with the Marianne story line and get back to regular old vampiric debauchery ... thank you. Sincerely a loving fan. Hey maybe if I actually send them a 'disappointed/irate' letter they'll send me first season DVDs. Hey, it worked with Williams Coffee Pub, it might work with HBO, no?

P.S. more Lafayette and Jessica, stat.


Catalina (like the island) said...


i iz not know that you watch that showw.

oh mannnn. this is on some otha level.

listen (note: pronounce the T) i burned the entire first season on DVD that my cousin got from best buy (employee discount!!!), how about next week, you + me on neyagawa selling copies to wealthy pretentious elitist oakvillians particularly that girl ywanna

gurl, lets do this!!!


ittttttttttt's.....CAAAATTalina said...

also, that ywanna chick totally closed off her blog, can you say pretentious?

cait said...

yeah, she's a beyatch (she's blown me off like 5 times in the past week, lameeeeee)let's get her.

cait said...

p.s. doesn't make a difference if she closed it off when she never updates anyways, though does it?

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