Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vanilla Aztecs or end of year shananigans

So this past weekend was basically a total write off in terms of getting any actual studying done. Friday was the last day of winter semester and obviously time to party. I went over to a friend's home played some 'card' games then stumbled around their darkened home tied to Angie (3-legged-race-style) using a flashlight to find easter eggs. I think our total find count was 2 ... I personally found 0 ... but i did get a wickedbad sliver. We then proceeded to march (read: stumble) towards Alfie's in the rain and waited to get in for long enough that my hair frizzed up and we lost one member of our party. all in all a good night. Saturday I spent sprawled on the couch until evening when Dorcas and I finally went out and saw I Love You, Man (kiani please forgive me). The movie was stellar (JOBIN!) and I couldn't stop laughing - would definitely recommend. Sunday I bummed around downtown and bought some nail polish and a pillow from Urban Outfitters (I'll admit I find the store super pretentious and totally self-conscious of their own trendiness - but I DO like their knick knacks and whatchamacallits). and finally last night Calvin, Dorcas, and I pretended to be really cool by celebrating the end of the semester with an Aztec Vanilla Cigar. I, of course had to be the man and take the first 'drag' (as Dorcas was appropriately calling it =D) and it was fun and games from there.

What I'm listening to: I love the 80s. i was born in the 80s, but I wish more than anything I was a teenager in the 80s - It was AWESOME! So when I heard the first two singles a little while back off of The Killers' new album Day and Age I was sooo excited. I'm not a huge Killers fan - I really didn't like their first album, Sam's Town was decent, but I can already tell I am going to love Day and Age. Spaceman is my favourite song of the moment. I always watch the video when it comes on MMM and enjoy it a little more each time. Now I am as much a music snob as the next person and the Killers are defo mainstream to the max - but I also realize that life is too short to deny the joy that comes from a super catchy pop rock song from playing on my pod. And the Killers actually make some good music... so they can stay. Here is Spaceman by The Killers (click the picture) ... try not to roll your eyes and just enjoy!


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