Monday, December 29, 2008

How I Met Your Mother Does Entertainment Weekly

So earlier this week my sister decided that she HAD to buy the last book of the Twilight series. Don't ask me what it's called because I can't remember* (read: don't want to remember). I of course was expected to take her to get it and I thought I'd run some of my own errands which included stopping into Shopper's Drug Mart. While in the checkout line The Best and Worst of 2008 edition of Entertainment weekly caught my eye and I thought i'd indulge by picking up a copy. little did I know that inside would be the most amazing feature ever! The cast of How I met Your Mother (my favourite sitcom!) reenacted some of the most popular stories in western entertainment for 2008. Check out the wicked-fantastic shots! I squealed with joy when I opened my magazine, hopefully you may get some of the same pleasure out of it... also check out the catchy theme song ("Hey Beautiful" by The Solids) to HIMYM here!


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