Monday, February 23, 2009

Best of / Worst of The Oscars 2009

So, most people who know me know that Tina Fey is my IDOL. I adore her so much - she is so clever and funny and smart and I could go on all day. I was so exctied to see her on the Oscars last night presenting with Steve Martin and excitement only grew and grew as she poke fun at Scientology hardcore. This was THE. BEST. MOMENT. of an otherwise booring (intentional typo) show:

But with good, must come bad, and good lord did it come in heapfuls last night. Awkward, Ugly and Annoying can describe some of the less enjoyable moments and characters of the night:

1) Awkward: Sophia Loren presenting Best Actress: This was awkard, but mostly hilarious: The Dress! The Hand on Hip! The Tone of Disdain in her Voice! *sigh*

2) Ugly: Jessica Biel more like Fugly: #1 what was she even doing there? #2 what was she wearing - on her face as well as the dress - HORRIBLE from top to bottom. I booed in disgust when I saw her com onstage - earn your first pay check in 3 years then present at the oscars ...

3) Annoying: Plus Ones (as Dorcas affectionately referred to them). Okay so we all common folk here but it is FUN to chuckle at some of the non famous attendees who get get their nails done and their hair did, up only to be caught on camera from afar as part of the audience. Some Plus Ones are more interesting than others, mostly due to fashion faux-pas, while others are just relentlessly annoying (ahem: John Mayer - YOU are number 1 annoying plus one!) He may be famous (unfortunately) but he's not Oscar famous. Sorry John, but you are the Weakest Link - goodbye.


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