Friday, February 20, 2009

Dancing Dirty

Last night I went downtown to see DIRTY DANCING on Stage. I was so completely excited. Dirty Dancing is one of my most favourite movies - I've seen it an uncountable number of times and know way to many of the catch and not-so-catch phrases. I mean I am obsessed. I've even watched it's E! True Hollywood story more than once and have a copy of the Dirty Dancing Original sourdtrack and a newly acquired watermelon keychain- I'm an expert. This is probably why I was so thrilled the stage production followed the movie so closely (minus one uber cheesy campire scene). Everytime I knew a scene was coming up that I loved I would gasp and get all giddy - Dorcas was also guilty of this. If you DON'T have some of the Dirty Dancing songs ( Blastphemous!) I've linked them below =D
Cry To Me (sexy times on a pedestal song!)
*sidenote: this song was used on Lost and it was one of the most wonderful moments I ever watched on t.v. -ever. And I watch a LOT of tv.*


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