Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lost Latin Lesson

I take latin as part of my degree in Classics and it is the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE! I hate it so hard and so wicked badly that I become aperplectic at the very thought of translating Cicero's Orations against Cataline. That being said, there is a certain kind of unrivaled joy that consumes me when I am able to recognize and even better understand latin when faced with it in my day-to-day existence outside of the classroom. One such moment of sheer thrill happened while I was watching this week's episode of Lost! When Sawyer and Juliet were confronted by two Others, the two men spoke briefly to each other in latin! At first I was confused about the fact that I could understand some of what they were saying even without subtitles. When the one yelled "Tace" I automatically knew he was telling the other guy to shut up. Then it dawned on me just as Juliet told Sawyer and John it was in fact Latin, the language of the enlightened. sigh - strange bliss. In any case, the fact that the other's speak Latin, coupled with the prescence of that strange four-toed statue wearing romanesque sandals, not to mention that Richard (or Bridget as I thought he was called =D) is admittedly very, very old, lead me to believe that the ancient Romans may have some role to play as the story of the Others very slowly unfolds. I hope the writers actually follow up on this crazy shiz because this plus the mysterious face that I saw in the black smoke (no joke: they are there - examine the smoke when Mr. Eko looks into it in S.2 or 3) is making my brain hurt.


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