Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Life as a Mad (wo)Man

I inteded for this post to be a somewhat researched and thoughtful look at the show Mad Men. I just finished watching the first season and I'm not nearly as enthralled by it as the rest of the world seems to be. In fact, I find much of the show quite dull. Yet, for whatever reason (probably sheer boredom) I continue to watch it. So I googled a bit and found this most amusing Mad Men Yourself setup on their website.

I'd bet the the show would be a helluva lot more interesting if I was on it! And I am ready to prove it. The following is a list of reasons I'd be the perfect addition to the Mad Men cast:


I would not stand for sexist judgements on my fashion choice:
"WHAT is everyone laughing at?! What is it? Is it my awkward houndstooth getup?! - Okay, well I'll have you know it's fashionable and lets people know I'm serious about work. No, not that? ohhhh - my actual-factual bee hive hat is blocking the projector again? oh how hilarious .... NOT - grow up boys."

I would drink martinis with Don Draper while wearing a mink stole:
Nothing says progressive-thinking, career-oriented lady like martinis and a mink stole. That and painting the town with your friends husband.

I would be selectively "honest" with my Frenemies, a much undervalued trait:
"Ugh. Betty, this coffee is foul. Good thing I've got my cigarette to cure that awful taste. And by the way, who did you're kitchen ... It's so ... so ... well so interesting" *snicker* (like the chocolate)

I would show the other office ladies (Miss Hollaway I'm looking at you) how it's done in the workplace:
Bee's Hive hair, conservative green dress with a not so conservative fit, newspaper for cred and a thumbs up for myself and my self-esteem.

In fact ... I would be the Boss Lady offering challenging projects and positive encouragement to my underlings:
"Type, Peggy, tyyyyyyyppppeeee! What? You've got nothing to type? Here - transpose this day old newspaper .... I said TRANSPOSE Peggy, trasnposeeeeeeee as if you life depended on it. ...And stop fooling around with that pansy, gross, richboy Campbell - vom."

I would be OK with picnicing in central park on my own:

*sings* Saturday! In the park, I think it was the fourth of Julyyyyy! Oh. That song hasn't been made yet? Oh, okay, that's cool, that's cool. .... MAN I HATE THE 60s!!!! (And by the by, how awful is this picture?!: a) apparently I don't have friends to picnic with b) I'm totally not wearing proper attire c) I am the messiest eater everrrr and d) I play chess by myself for fun - sad.)

And finally, I would be down with being my true self behind closed doors ...

i.e. chainsmoking - cigarette in mouth 'n hand, champagne for one and no I don't have my weave in - deal.



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