Sunday, November 1, 2009

Confession: Rapture Rhythms

Last night, after wandering downtown Kingston streets I ended up at my highschool friend's house just off campus. It was almost 2 am, we were chowing down on cheese and spinach pizza and reminiscing about the time I got in trouble for leaving my juicebox on the table in the cafetria in grade 10 - humiliating. While recounting that story to the group I began thinking about other random things from high school, namely bubbles on fire, jazz solos and band trips,  ping pong in gym class and confession. I've never confessed to a priest because that is some straight up Roman Catholic business and that's not how I role, but I did attend a Catholic high school within which I went to near-monthly mass and at least once a semester our religion class was sent to the in school chapel (I feel like this was called something else, but I've blanked). It was always a semi awkward affair for the reason stated above. Usually I would bide my time reading the reflection questions our lovely/awesome Chaplain (sidenote: who also wrote me a wonder letter of reference for a scholarship which I am eternally grateful for) had projected onto a wall until an appropriate number of students had confessed then I would silently slip out and back to class. This sort of anxious and uncomfortable experience of course brought me back to another awkward religious event: The RAPTURE. Now I myself am not in on this whole Rapture bonanza which televangelists seem to be delighted, no, Ecstatic over "WE ARE LIVING IN THE END OF DAYS- PRAISE THE LORD HALLELUJAH, AMEN!" (straight up this is how one lady minister began her preaching when I tuned into CTS midday a couple of weeks ago) .... but I am ecstatic over the song above and to more of an extent over the version of it below. I am ready to fly awayyyyyy - oh so anxious for the Rapture dayyyy! .....Well I've heard about it since I was a child, carried it with me through my troubles and trials .... I just can't wait!!! I just can't help myself, it is so catchy. Also it remains semi novel to me as I have yet to find an available mp3 version so I'm stuck searching it up on Youtube every time I'm looking to hear a little fundamentalist folk .... Anyway,  gather 'round kiddies and enjoy some Rapture Rhythms with me.

p.s. How random is the accompanying slideshow in the first video? - 1:50 and 2:26 are a bit much ... but then so is the whole thing...


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