Monday, November 9, 2009

Ready for the Weekend

It's Monday and I'm ready for the Weekend ... or at least Thursday when I'll be going to QPID's Middle School Dancy (typo, but keeping it) Party. Basically they play music from around the time people my age were in middle school all night.  I've already put my request in for Soul Decision's Faded.  And don't you dare say: "Sould Decision - who's that?" Because nobody likes liars. I'll always remember Faded because it was the second song I ever downloaded on Napster, well that my older sister downloaded for me. What was the first? Otherside by Red Hot Chili Peppers .... yeah I was that kind of awesome.
What I'm Listening To? Pretty much this and everything else from Calvin Harris' Album: Ready for the Weekend - SO GOOD.


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