Saturday, February 13, 2010

Purge Plan Oh-10 Pt. 3

                                          looks benign, but ...                                            Boo!
Instead of studying I got the urge to continue on the war path against "stuff", this time in the hall closet. I have kept the majority of boxes I used while moving from home to residence to my 2nd year house to the apartment I am in now. So a lot of the extra stuff I have tucked away in closets is just empty boxes waiting to be used again when I move. There are, however, some random things in some of the boxes that need to be addressed.
this isn't even my box - I think I stole it from a former housemate?
Like sorting through clothes, it is important to have a plan of action that can be adhered to. This time however I didn't even know what I was I was going to be dealing with - I couldn't remember what was in any other boxes and it turns out - there wasn't much. I found a lot of newspapers (which I'll hold onto for packing up breakable stuff) and some random school supplies, an iron .... nothing too interesting.
Basically, this was one of the easiest steps in cleaning out my apartment and my literal closet, not the metaphorical one. I'm thinking the next spot I tackle is my bedroom closet. Though most of its contents are things I wear/use regularly, there are some things that need to be sorted through. not today though.

posting note: eek this post is a couple weeks old. whoops I've been bad at updating, but still keeping on track with my purge plan, promise!


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