Thursday, December 10, 2009

Public Transit Courtesy

Dear fellow traveler,

Hi there. Cold out today isn't it. I have to wear my mittens even when I'm inside the bus becuase it's so cold. And you know what? They have absolutely zero grip on those slippery metal rails, so sorry if I fall over onto when the bus turns the corner ... actually ... I'm not sorry. Not sorry in the slightest. You want to know why? Well I'm going to tell you anyway. YOU ARE TAKING UP 2 SEATS ON A CROWDED BUS, WHILE MYSELF AND OTHERS ARE FORCED TO STAND THE ENTIRE WAY, GETTING JOSTLED ABOUT AND SLIDING AROUND. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. Who the hell do you think you are? I'm sorry, do you own this bus? No. Did you pay more to ride on this bus today? No, I didn't think so. Are you elderly? No. Do you have a physical disability? No - well, you may soon. How dare you look out the window while I look to see if there's room beside you. Don't flatter yourself - I don't want to sit beside you. But I also don't want to go sliding down the row or onto another passenger because I couldn't grip the pole properly. How dare you sit on the outside seat of a double seat! You should be ashamed of yourself - shove OVER! Why must you sit on the outside so people can't use that other seat? Oh, I see, I see. You are getting off shortly, the next stop maybe, my mistake. Hey, here's a suggestion: MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET UP ENTIRELY so those of us travelling past the next few stops can do it safely. Am I speaking another language here? did I stutter? HAVE SOME RESPECT - It's almost CHRISTMAS!!!

Respectfully yours,


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