Goalatude No.7 on my ultimate Summer Goalatudes List was to find a craft and do it awesomely. Well, I'm not sure about the awesomely part but I did find a craft and do it. I had spent a couple weeks gathering materials and such in preparation for this craft and yesterday I finally worked on it. I chose to make a magazine holder out of an old cereal box. I saw this idea at least 10 years ago well watching one of my favourite afterschool shows (there are many) Art Attack. It is extremely simple which means that even I couldn't mess it up too badly. This craft also has the potential to be environmentally friendly (YAY!) because you can recycle your old cereal boxes within your home in the process. Unfortunately I bought more paper to decorate my box so I don't think mine met the criteria for being completely EF (Boo!).
Craft Stats:
- Cost: approx. $30.00 (not including cereal, I had to buy everything else: paper, Mod podge, acrylic paint, patterned tape - bought enough for 3 boxes)
- Time spent: approx. 31/2 - 4hrs (waiting for the paint and mod podge to dry)Frustration: 6.5/10 (wrinkled paper and mod podge everywhere)Fun: 7.5/10 (crafts are ALWAYS FUN! isn't that why people do them?!?)
All in all I think my box looks faboosh (where have I seen this word?) and was actually pretty idiot proof.
- cut the box (you can figure it out)
- paint it: let paint dry then repeat 'till box design is completely covered.
- Once paint is dry paint a layer of mod podge over to seal it up.
- measure and cut paper: glue it side at a time using mod podge. (cover the paper in mod podge so it seals onto the box)
- take tape and stick around box in a continual line.
- place magazines in box...
et Voila! Craft done! When I work up enough energy I'll make some more but until then Goalatude No.7 has been completed!
This is a cute storage idea too! Ikea has some cheap magazine holders that I totally decorated. But the cereal box is a nice recycle idea!
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