Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yes & Now: Shower

So I want this shower. end of story. Although .... the whole open concept idea in this apartment is kind of bachelor paddish ... not too keen on that bit.


See Here for further explanation of the following:
The Snuggie...
makes everyone look huge.

Is made out of completely synthetic material that gave me multiple shocks in the short time I wore it.
I do my best Vince.

I forgot to ask if I could experience the Lord's Prayer through the cross ... next time.
Heavily pixelated (why?) picture of me with dog puppet and Efferdent in what is the most illegal store I have ever stepped foot in. Obviously I love it, even though I was sure there was about to be a raid any second the whole time I was there.

Goodbye May

It's the last Sunday and the last day of the magnificent month of May - I have to stop with these alliterations. It reminds me of when you ask children to write a poem and they always use an abab cdcd rhyme scheme - just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Besides that I am smitten with this exterior. How wonderful it is to be able to shape nature around your home and also be bold enough to paint your home blue. I do have to wonder aloud or atype(?) why the front yard has laid brick instead of grass though- that unfortunately reminds me of the eye-sore house opposite my apartment in Kingston - distasteful for our historic neighbourhood, to say the very least.

Um, Yes Please.

Photograph shot by the one and only Karl Lagerfeld for his Chanel Fall/Winter 2009-10 Cruise Collection. I truly wish passengers on modern cruise ships were required to wear such things ... the Lido deck dance party would = amazing if this were the case.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Good Morning Starshine

I drafted this post last night and scheduled it to come out on Saturday because I am trying to curb my binge posting (see here for explanation). But really, If I'm writing the post anyway ...

So here is a pretty photograph I found at Apartment Therapy and instantly thought, oh to be that girl, with that giant mirror just for putting on my makeup. Dare to dream. Unfortunately I am not that girl and instead of frolicking around in Saturdayness I'm working overtime to put food on the table and clothes on the backs of my familypersons. (those last bits are untrue and were added for effect, but I don't like to lie)
And here is a pretty song. Not cheery or any nonsense like that, it's Saturday and I am (or will be) working diligently till the sun goes down - why would I post a cheery song? Remember that Friends episode where a melancholy Joey sits looking through that artificial rain frame ... that is what I picture when I listen Greg Laswell's cover of Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Only it's me sitting there melancholy ... and not missing Chandler.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Cottage Life

If I had a cottage of my very own I think I'd like it to look somewhat like this. Maybe a little smaller in order to up the cozy but definitely making us
e of window seats in the bedroom and for the purpose of an eating nook. How precious that little booth is! I'd probably listen to more folky music like that of Blitzen Trapper (listen to Furr below) and do proper scrapbooking and scavenge wood and berries from the forest and survive on a diet of fish. pfft - that was all a complete lie. lie lie lies - why can't I stop lying ... this is just like that time I apologized for making fun of Bon Eyever .... but let's not get into that.

Special Delivery Courtesy of Gagapost

As I mentioned in this previous post, I knew the coming of Lady Gaga's video for my favourite song of hers Paparazzi would not be long and on this oh so humdrum Friday it has finally arrived! The video is obviously amazing and probably her best to date. She actually even looks kind of cute in it. When She is first carried out of the limo in that fierce choreographed move my heart fluttered with a love of her ridiculousness that grew to epic proportions when she started to shimmy about with those crutches. You know when I first heard this song I thought a video starring a man-crazed Gaga who eventually kills her target would be the best route to take and it looks like I wasn't far off... Enjoy and Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Best. Hat. Ever.

Today was gross weather-wise again. I was working feverishly all day at the computer which inspired mobility once I finally got home. I've been toying with the idea of rearranging some furniture in the very small bedroom I share with my younger sister in order to maximize space. I decided today would be the day that I started that process. I roped my sister into working on her stuff and while I was poking my nose into her side of the closet I found this awesome hat that was part of one of her dancing costumes from years passed. I quickly shut her side of the closet door and put it atop my head bursting out of the closet and performing an Ashlee Simpsonesque Jig to UB40's Red Red Wine. It was all very surreal. It wasn't until I did a little impromptu photo shoot and had tried on some tassled cuffs that my sister admitted the feathers were actually part of a headband that didn't belong on that hat. I was devastated. End of story.

It's a Hobby, Not an Addiction ...

So pretty much blogging and my blog have become part of my regular life. In the beginning documenting the mundane seemed tedious, forced and ultimately unnatural. Today however I caught myself responding to a friend's question with "I blogged it - didn't you see?" as if my friend had nothing better to do than check my blog, and as if my blog was an acceptable communication tool anyway. I'm not sure whether this is a supernegative thing or not, but the role of blogging in my life has been on my mind as of late, especially now that my fellow blogette is showing signs of being more 'bladdicted' to the blogosphere - you know who you are. I decided to search to see if there was such a thing a being addicted to blogging. I should note the distrubing guess work Google did while I typed: i.e. addicted to ... "BLOOD" was one of the choices *shiver*. Anyway, I came across this helpful (highlarious) list of signs you know you are addicted, I've pulled the ones that apply to me...

8. You “mental blog” while driving or on the train, and sometimes even when you are alone in the shower.
7. You filter everything through your post-writing. You can’t watch a movie, see a play, read an article, or share a sweet moment with your child without thinking of whether it’s blog-worthy.
6. You suffer from “blog envy” when another blogger posts something juicy before you do. You suffer “comment envy” when said post gets 40-something comments – the jerk!
5. You “binge blog” 3 or 4 posts at once—only to feel guilty and empty afterward.
3. You think, “I can stop at any time.”
2. Your lunch hour has become your “blog hour.” You keep a few posts tucked in your desk in case you need them during the day.

From this summarized list of issues I moved onto another source of information. I took some random test that I've deemed legit for the purpose of this post and it decided I was 74% addicted. What does a percentage of addiction even mean really?! I DON'T have a problem - I have a HOBBY!!!! So Sue Me! In conclusion: while some people may be addicted to blogging, I think I'm safe so far ... Maybe I'll start another blog on blog addiction - a Bloggers Anonymous ... oh wait - that ironic twist on blogging already exists

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

High Tea

Today is exceptionally dreary in Oakville, overcast skies and the imminent arrival of a deluge weigh on my mind as I prepare for my bike ride to work... luckily for me my imagination tends to run wild during bad weather ... for some reason the first thing that has popped into my mind was a high tea at a posh cafe.

Maybe this could be my 10th Goalatude - a tea party. shall think on it.

Listening to: We Will Not Grow Old by Lenka and Final Fantasy's cover of Peach, Plum, Pear

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ms. Spektor

regina. Regina. REGINA! Regina's new songs are lovely and wonderful. CANNOT wait for her new album Far to finally come out at the end of June. Really, does she ever disappoint? Check out the video for Laughing With and be sure to check out Blue Lips as well.

Top 3 ... Favourite Board Games

Topsy-Turvy Top Three Time Tout le Monde!

Today's Top 3: Favourite Board Games

1) Candyland!
Because I say so that's why - any game that can take me through the lands of Princess Loly, King Kandy, and make Molasses scary (Gloppy lives in my nightmareland) in one trip 'round is gonna be legendary in my books.

2) The Game of Life
Because being little miss Practicality, I ALWAYS put in my time getting a Post Secondary education at the start and now with the new version - shiz like that actually matters! In the old version you could begin your adventure right out of highschool and become a doctor on your next spin! Not Anymore! This game is amazing in every way. You MUST get a proper job, you MUST buy a house (Tudour what up!) You MUST get married to the opposite sex, and you almost always MUST produce children. Then you wade your way through your home getting flooded (DAMN I FORGOT TO PURCHASE INSURANCE AGAIN!) and useless Family vacays until you make it to the promise land - 1 of 2 retirement homes - AHAHAH jokes on you - you can't afford the nice one after all that. Man I love this game.
3) Mall Madness
Um ... best. game. ever. besides the inevitable fight for the best looking (read: most legit looking) credit card on the outset, this game is flawless. you run around the mall chasing after all the items on your list, gleefully swiping your credit card without repercussion, just like life - ahaha gotcha! And when the mall announcer chick randomly interrupts with the locations of the next sales and clearances - HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT cuz you're in for a ride.

Honourable mention: Don't Wake Daddy. Never actually played the game but my god the theme song from the commercial is still rattling around in my brain all these years after it aired regularly ... check it if you must.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Jon and Kate + Marriage Problems 8-fold

So, as much as I laughed at Ivana's snippy comments about Aaden's superiority complex, the ginger kid who said "Happy Birthay" in the face of one of the sextuplets and one of the kids' awkward face-to-shoulder rub of one of her friends ... there was a lot of serious stuff going down on last nights episode of JandK+8. In fact, that epsidoe was more upsetting than anything. The birthday party was painful, the only words exchanged between Jon and Kate were: "Jon, take off your sunglasses." Ouch. It's like watching a trainwreck with 8 little kids on board =( Anyway, It will be interesting to see how the season unfolds - You could tell the TLC producers were just eating it all up "Wanna a tissue?" ....

In other news, I cannot get the Sugababes' song No Can Do song out of my head it is jsut so lovely and fun! + the video is kind of hilarious/wonderful.

J+K+8 Live Blogging the sads

And the night takes a turn for the sads when one of the kids (don't ask me which one - because lets be honest the only two I know are Aiden and Colin) said "Daddy I don't want you to go away anymore" boo I don't like when my ice cold heart is melted so suddenly by the pleas of a child. Let's be honest though, as Ivana pointed out, Kate probably promised her a twenty to say that on camera ...

J+K+8: Live Blogging Continued

(me playing Kate - Don't Interrupt me AGAIN! Ivana playing Jon ... just Jon ...)
"We did the bday party for the kids ... well uh Kate did most of it"

Aaden's Patience is tested again:
Kate takes the kids to the store Colin (the special one) looses his balloon - Aaden is visibly disgusted.
Colin: "Aiden can i taste the green one?"
Aaden: "It's apple..."

Kateisms ...
"Even the nay-sayers keep me where I need to be!"
"I'm so unstreamerless It's not funny"
"Those are Gargeous!"
"You bring home all the Junkily Punkily"
Ivana find double meaning in this one ... Jon

Our Thoughts...
Ivana: I bet Aaden is planning one of those pyramid schemes to scam his own family.

Live Blogging - JON + KATE + 8

Live blogging has begun! Yay fun time! we've got sustinence in the form of pop and pizza and entertainment in the form of the J+K+8 preshow woot!!! okay so don't really know how to liveblog so i'm just gonna post the hilarity that ensues tonight while watching....
Ivana: what is so special about them - they all came at one - what else?
Caitie: Kate is so orange ... her shirt is blending into her skin!
Ivana: oh oh that's my tv - i think i turned up the brightness....
Things I've noticed so far:
Aiden is grazy (typo but staying): as Ivana says he is operating at such a higher level than his siblings, it is just jnot possible for him to cope properly anymore. I'm sure he had encoded hidded equations in his finger painting - I knew he would not be impressed with PLease Touch Museum ....
Jon is always sauced and probably off his face on ketamin - my favourite part is when he is making excuses for his absences: "uh I'm sorry I wasn't there... I was at my mums for 8 days there was a lot of stuff going on I had to watch the dogs " Really Jon? there's not a lot going on at your place? like 8 KIDS?! fav/most repeated quote: "I can't be Jon I have to be Jon and Kate +8"

Mirror, Mirror on the ... Backsplash

Who needs a tile backsplash when a mirror is sooo much cooler? I realize that wall to wall mirrors have a tendency to be linked with horrible decor of the 70s and 80s, but I also see that mirrors have their merits. I love the idea of using the mirror as a backsplash in a kitchen. The Glass door cupboards are also lovely as long as you have neat and tidy contents. This room seems to mix the hardness of a Restaurant kitchen with the dainty pleasures of afternoon tea - function and fashion.....

Jon and Kate, Live Blogging Extravaganza

Tonight I am travelling to far and distant (those words mean the same thing) lands to watch the season premiere of JON and KATE + Marriage Problems ... I mean 8. I'll be watching it at my fellow blogette's home, because I don't get TLC. This show has been so built up on account of alleged infidelities on the part of both parties, but I'm sure it will be a let down - the hype rarely delivers... In any case I just must tune in - I used to watch the show when the sextuplets were just wee little things - Aiden, the professor, has always been my favourite. I will be live blogging during the show. Of course I had to look up what Live blogging actually was, I decided to do it because it sounded cool, not because I knew anything about it. Apparently all I gotsta do is sit, watch, blog. easy peasy. Tune in at 8 (I think it's 8, at least logically a show with the number 8 in it should be broadcast at 8 - easy to remember and what not).

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Proper Pronounciation

We all have those moments in which, no matter how much education we've received or how much culture we imagine we have, we embarrass ourselves by incorrectly pronouncing a word. If you have friends like mine, they will NEVER let you forget this and take pleasure in lording it over you as if superior semantic skills (hello my dear friend alliteration! okay I know semantics isn't really what i'm talking about but for the sake of the alliteration...I do love alliteration) equals superior intelligence. This is not the case. It is possible that in making an error in pronounciation you are just following society's accepted way of saying something - this is the argument I will use in defending my slip up with crêpe (pronounced krep, apparently). I obviously prounounced it krape, as does most of the English-speaking population, but of course Ivana had to correct me. Other times misprononounciation can be caused be caused by the foreign root of the word, such as Hyundai, which I understandably prounced as High-un-dye. The correct pronounciation is, I believe, Hunday, but don't quote me because I am only as smart as yahoo answers,

If you are from Korea it is pronounced he-oon day....Koreans from here pronounce
it hy-oon-day....Americans should pronounce it hunday(like sunday) You can
call the headquarters in Fountain valley Cali. and they all answer the phone
"Hunday usa" can I direct your call
I think I'm going to start going by the Korean pronounciation just to piss Ivana off =D
Other misteps are wholly unforgiveable - like say when you fumble a national music icon's name, ahem. Calling dear Leonard Cohen - Lee-o-NARD Co-HEN is dreadful. It is important to know what is an acceptable error and what is offensive ... take note - you know who you are.

(note: I took the pictures for this post last week while chilling in my backyard - they obviously have no relation whatsoever with the subject of the post but I thought they were pretty so deal)

The Odd Couple

On my way into the first of two Tim Horton's today I spotted this picture in the window of a Bridal Photography shop ...
Yeah, wouldn't be my first choice to promote my business but to each his own. What kindof couple would have this kind of photograph you ask? Well let me tell you a story that may help to answer that question ... (okay when I type question I sometimes pronounce it in my head: Kes-tee-ON - please help me)
Anywho, On with the story!
While searching for a picture for my last post (finally I opted to use just the ones I had taken of Ivana attacking me with a plunger and then throwing me the death glare) I came across an unusual blog written by a Mr. Craig Nelson, no not the one who got his hand stuck in a desk in my grade 4 art class and who also happens to reside in a house at the end of my street, but a 40 year old man living in Calgary. I was perplexed as to the purpose of the site at first - what was all this about Billboards and Kimberly? so I did some interweb digging and found THIS article from the Calgary Herald. Craig's, or Forever Groom's (FG) ex had entered a radio contest/social experiment that would see her marry a man she would first meet on her wedding day - Yikes! FG would not let this fly and launched an online campaign to win her back - aww how sweet/odd. Obviously they eventally ended up together which explains the his and her billboards Forever Groom is so pleased with. What a strange and maybe even delightful sort of love story ...
So I think that when these to get married they must for sure get a photo of them like the one above - the crazy-eyed groom chasing after his bride seems just about perfect for this couple's relationship.

Back to Square One

Picked up Ivana today for some afternoon delightful shopping at Square One. I did not have my mind set on buying anything in particular, but of course I was able to find something once I got there. Our shopping excursion began wonderfully but quickly deteriorated with a serious of unfortunate events - most for Ivana.

a) We indulged in trying on frangrances at Sephora. Alone we smelled lovely - together we smelled like a couple of prostitots on our way to an all ages club.

b) I wouldn't let Ivana go into Marla's (some non descript dress shop - one of those shops that pops up in Square Once and is gone the next time you visit the mall I'm sure)...

Ivana: Marlas! Marlas! Caitie Maaaaarrrrrlaaaaas!"

Me: "watch out for that balloon!" (I might have just said this in my head by I definitely wanted to tell her to be wary of the fast approaching balloon attached to a child's stroller being led by an inattentive father.)

Balloon grazes Ivana's shoulder - Ivana errupts in an expletives-filled tirade ... no one takes notice.

c) I convince Ivana that Ray Bans are sold at Sunglass Hut - I then leave the store wordlessly when I realize that they are indeed not sold there.

d) Just before leaving we go down a long dingy hallway to get to the mall restrooms - Ivana spots another father with a child in a stroller - this time there are 4 balloons - we scurry past anxiously.

e) Ivana is shoved into cleaning paraphanelia (inlcuding mop and bucket) by and older lady clearly in a rush as she tries to exit the bathroom - I hurry ahead laughing shrilly...

f) Ivana demands a Tim Horton's Ice Cap, and feeling sorry for her I willingly oblige - we putter around Mississauga clueless as to the location of a Tim Hortons.
Ivana: "It's Canada - there is one on every corner!"
We prove that optimistic statement wrong. When we finally DO find a Timmies there is no drive-thru. When we've parked and made our way past the door with no handle into the shop a lady behind the counter operates the ice cap machine to a splutter and says "No More Ice Cap." to the girl who is about to take our order ...

g) I finally pull into the Superstore parking lot and we head into the small Tim Horton's contained within the store - they are out of chocolate milk for the Ice Cap - Ivana is visibly upset ... We still get Ice Caps - how could we not after all that trouble?

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Perfect for summer no? Actually I can imagine these perched upon on the ledge of a kitchen window or even floating in water anytime of year.

What I'm Listening to: Over Victoria Day weekend I visited my Aunt and Uncle in Midland and all night the most amazing music was playing over the stereo. It sounded like the soundtrack to The Big Chill mixed with Cat Stevens and more Otis Redding - all of my favourites. Here's one of my favourites ...

Otis Redding - I've Been Loving You Too Long
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dream a Little Dream ... of the perfect bed.

1) love these fabric-type headboards. They ooze comfort... not sure about those shelves though ... I'd probably have them stuffed with books and mags and a light to read by a night.

2) Love the mosquito net and the storage underneath the bed and the slanted ceiling ... I could go on.

Is it possibly to tactfully combine these two beds in a king size?

Top Three ...

I've decided to start a new recurring post theme. This way, when I run out of proper post ideas (like today) but still feel I need to update out of blogourtesy, I easily can!

Today's Top 3: Favourite things to buy from the grocery store

1) Chips n' Dip (sold separately obviously):
Because these are a party food that indicates that I am probably going to have a good time before, during or after eating them. That or it's going to be a saaaad Friday night in front of the T.V. waiting for my COR shift to start ... again.

2) Grapefruit
Because I get to feel nutritionally superior the shoppers I pass later in the pop and candy isle. "Why yes I DO enjoy eating this healthy and delicious sphere that is a ruby grapefruit, don't You?" (It's all a little Angelina Jolie-ish really if by 'eating' I meant "adopting"and by grapefruit I meant "child from a third world country")

3) McCain's Deep n Delicious Cake
Because it's deep, delicious, and it's cake ... need I say more? ... here is a picture of me last year when I decided to buy a Deep and Delicious cake... mmmmmmm

Hey does anyone remember the commercials where they were harkening back to Marie Antoinette and it was all fancy dress and cake eating ... Click Here to reminisce

on that note of reminiscence (is this a word?)... take a look at this clip from the fantastic gameshow Supermarket sweep - I feel like I watched way too much tv as a child because I know ALL these random shows that peers are like "whuh?" but I guess i just watched many shows in small doses which is probably not so bad. Anyway - thought this was appropriate considering the topic of this post so enjoy, or don't, I don't care much really. Happy Weekend All!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

flowery faucet

Simply Delightful, no?

first off: the whole idea is charming - reminds me of those little pop up vases that the VW Bugs have. Secondly: look how simple the little knobs are for hot and cold! Want, want, WANT!


Who celebrates 100 posts anymore? That's sooooooo last blogoyear! One Hundred and Oneth is totally where it is AT. In celebration of my 101th post I've decided to take you to a world that most of us are already familiar with, but one which I have been sorrily detached from for almost a month now --> the land of Infomercials. 'Infomercials?!' You say. Why yes, Infomercials - but this isn't a post on just any infomercials this is a post devoted to my 5 MOST FAVOURITE infomercials of ALL TIME! In no particular order they are:
1) ShamWOW! (have)
2) Lord's Prayer Necklace (have-not)
3) Magic Bullet (obvs have this one)
4) Loud 'n Clear (investment)
5) Snuggie (only in my sweetest dreams)

Let's get this party started:

The ShamWOW! is possibly the biggest scam in the tv infomercial universe. Unfortunately Dorcas fell prey to it while auto show a couple months back so now we have one at our apartment in Kingston. As far as I can tell it don't work. The most use i've gotten out of it is placing it under our leaky clothes washer ... yeah. But to the real point here - the infomercial himself. Aside from the fact that Vincy boy looks like your regular old neighbourhood methhead (and now confirmed prostitue employer/beater)... there are many other points of (dis)interest I'd like to point out. first off - wtf is a shammy? No one I know has ever used that word to describe an absbsorbent towel outside conversation on the ShamWow! commericial. point 2: the whole "Call now - cuz we can't do this all day" gimmick. Really Vince? you CAN'T do it all day. I think someones had a few too many sips of the ShamWow absorbed coke ... you most definitely CAN and DO sell these things all day. everytime I fricken turn on the tv there you are staring at me with your beady little eyes - willing me to buy your shammy... i mean ShamWow! You know what I think ... you are the the Sham Vince ... and I would not be surprised if your little 'business' venture was in Shambles by the end of the month....

deux: The Lord's Prayer Cross from Montebello Collections.
Okay. Okay...... O... Kaaaaaaaaaay. What in the world!? Riddle me this: If the Lord's Prayer is one of the most famous prayers in the WORLD (which I do not dispute) then why would someone need it strapped to their neck in a gawdy necklace - shouldn't a god-fearing Christian (whom I assume is their target audience here) already know such a prayer off by heart? huh. Okay so besides the fact that this necklace is suffering from a bad case of the uglies and is possibly least practical of all the infomercial items I'm discussing in this postabration - there are some parts to this desparate sales pitch that I adore: 1) the music - it's like the end of an inspirational sports film (Yay! God wins!). 2) At 60 sec. a man is about to give the token ginger a gift ... here's how I think the conversation would go:

Ginge thinks she's about to get a ring and BAM - AHAH gotcha it's just the fugly 'real' crystal necklace
Man: ta da!
Ginge: agh!
Man: put it on honey!
Ginge: uhhh
Man: Did I stutter? - Put. It. ON.
Ginge: maybe later...?
Man: ....
Ginge: .....
Man: Okay, Okay... howabout just look through it!
Ginge: Look through it?
Man: Yeah you know ... Look through it. Sometimes you get a necklace and you just wanna sit an look through it, like maybe you'll see something cool- y'know?
Ginge: Not really...
Man: ....
Man: You are SOOO not getting into heaven.

In summary - don't have, don't need, don't want, don't talk about this necklace in my presence ever.

For our third subject we move over to something a little bit more useful and a lot more fun to watch - the MAGIC BULLET informercial - otherwise known as the countertop magician. Has a commercial for what is essentially a mini-upsidedown blender ever been so magical - I think not! Over the years the magic bullet has earner a special place in my heart. This is beacause I have one and it works! I can makes shakes so simply and effortlessly, bean dip, guacamole, cheese sauce, salad dressing ... okay so i've only ever made a breakfast shake with mine but I know that is I wanted to I could make all those other things. Besides the fact that this thing works it also comes along with its own little sitcom. If I were buying a magic bullet today I would demand a copy of the infomercial. Everytime I see it on TV I see something new! I don't think I've ever seen the full thing ... and that's what keeps me coming back for more. If only the hungover middle-aged Berman and the other annoyingly tanned couple are at the breakfast bar when I tune in ... I know that I need to stick around because that crazy chimney stack, alchoholic, barrel of laughs with sass, Hazel, is still yet to come (pretty sure I'm going to be just like Hazel in about 30 years give or take). And I never get tired of the Coked up hosts because there are so many other characters to soften their chirpy sales pitch (even if one of their guests looks eerily like her host).... okay so would I be completely out of line if I guessed that the reason all these people are chilling at this place for breakfast is because they were having a swinger's party the night before? And did Hazel and Berman hookup? So many Questions .. .tune in to find out!

Fourth on the Docket: LOUD 'N CLEAR. This is a bit sketchtastic... okay a LOT sketchtastic. This is like an electronic glass on door device. You can amplify all the sounds around and be innappropriately nosey. OKay so, Things I LOVE about this commercial: The part where the lady asks what suite in the card game - why does she have to ask... she's already wearing the Loud N Clear - CLEARly isn't legit. Also love when the guy wears it to a cocktail party and listens in of the group of chicks - priceless. Another golden moment - when the lady listens in on her neighbours - she obviously doesn't have a hearing problem, which would indicate that she bought the device solely for the purpose of listening in on private conversations that will in turn stroke her ego ... what kind of product IS THIS?! Marketing clearly gets this is morally questionable behaviour and counters by showing a clip of a lady using it for where else ... CHURCH. I love that they've juxtaposed using the device to eavesdrop and using it to make sure you hit the correct note in Amazing Grace .... Amazing.

5th on my list is the ever puzzeling Snuggie! Why didn't I think of this?! If people are this easily swayed to spend money then man what am I missing out on. I'm pretty sure if the Snuggie makes a profit then I could sell my Pajomforter idea ... okay stay with me now: It's Pajamas ... made out of comforter material! No more fighting over the covers with you're loved one! just hop into you're own personal Pajomforter and sleep in peace! Also comes in Pajilt (quilt styling) and Pajeets (for those hot summer nights when all you need is the sheets). I know - I'm sitting on a Diamond mine, right? I bet someone is using a Loud n Clear right now to overhear my brilliant idea! yeah I talk out loud when I type - what's it to you? Well, it's patented so don't even think about it. Anyway ... Down to the actual infomercial itself ... yeah there really is not much to say here other than ... A-MAZING. I have never seen someone have so much difficulty using a regualr blanket as the lady in this informercial - she makes it seem like a task requiring a specific skill set and excellent hand-eye coordination. BLANKET - this product is not to be used by any person not in possession of a degree in Advanced Blanket techniques.... that being said ... how many times have you pulled up a blanket to cover your torso and your feetsies pop out and are exposed to the cold ... too many times ... TOO MANY!

All these products while baffling seem not to come close to the selection below which I will leave you with on this fine Wednesday. I hope you enjoyed the 101th POSTEBRATION and I promise I will try and update more regularly in future.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Goalatude Progress Update: G.2

I've been working dilligently on (some of) my Goalatudes. I've been biking/walking to work/the gym and going on bike rides through the forest - Goalatude #4 - CHECK! I've sometimes tried reading the french on the sides of food packaging - Goalatude #3 - semi-CHECK! I've decided on some craft projects to work on and begun collecting the materials necessary - Goalatude #7 - CHECK-in-Progress. I studied in detail a map of the Arctic Ocean and the claims held by Russia, Canada, the U.S., Denmark on their 'respective' ownership of the Arctic Shelf - a map that came from one of my National Geographics - Goalatude #5 - CHECKTASTIC. And I've finally finished reading the ever-amazing Through Black Spruce by Joseph Boyden! That means I only have 6 1/2 more books to read to complete goalatude #2. But that's not ALL kids - I've already begun reading my next book - and this one i've been excited to read for over a year now - MY BOOKY WOOK by Russell Brand! I'm only on page 32 - but I already love it!

Cereal Sweetness

Sometimes in life you are having a grumpy time - It's not especially harder than other times, but your attitude about life if not that good. These are the moments when little thoughtful things make all the difference. Like receiving the sunglasses you've only dreamed of for a present (thanks mum!) or someone looking out for you in the most trivial of ways. This past week my stepmum came home with boxes of fun cereal (let's step aside and let me explain: I don't really like cereal but I loooooves funcereal. Nesquik cerearl, Luck Charms - you get the idea - these tend to be the cereals that are NEVER bought in my house). Back to the story: my stepmum pulled out a box of Corn Pops and I got a little excited - finally I can stop eating toast for breakfast/elevensies. Of course, in any story there is an antagonist who just must my my (protagonist) route harder. In this case ... and in many cases I guess, this is my brother. He Loves any cereal, as long as there is an abundance of sugar also handy. He eats on average 3-4 bowls a day - it's gross. Anyway, when I said the Corn Pops looked delicious my stepmum rightfully warned that I should make sure to get them early before they disappear into the bottomless pit that is my brother. The next morning after everyone had left for work/school I wandered into the kitchen and found this bowl of Corn Pops on the table - carefully covered in Saranwrap with my name on it. =D apparently this was a joint effort by my sister and my stepmum to allow me to enjoy those delicious Corn Pops - and boy were they delicious!

What I'm Listening To: How Deep Is Your Love cover by The Bird and the Bee. If you do not LOVE the BeeGees we cannot be friends ... ever. Dorcas gave me this cover months ago ... but I just now am truly beginning to appreciate it.
The Bird And The Bee - How Deep Is Your Love
Found at bee mp3 search engine

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