Monday, June 14, 2010

Hello World! Goodbye Blog!

As you may have guessed by the infrequency of my posting (the last post being almost 2 months ago) I have found little room or desire in my life for the continuation of Take Your Carriage Clock and Shove It. This is not to say I won't one day return, much like the boy-king Leonidas in 300, but just that at this moment I have found other outlets for which to express my random thoughts and experiences in the blogosphere.

The first is via Tumblr @
As you can see from the name, this blog is a sort of replacement or evolution of TYCCASI consisting of more picture, less words and about the same amount of sass.

The second in via Twitter. You can follow me here:

And finally, I will be contributing to the wonderful Lovely & Lavish @

Don't cry for me Argentina ... I'll leave you with some Boyz II Men as they can sing it better than I'll ever be able to type it. Sing it Boyz!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I just wrote my last exam of undergrad. I feel a little funny but mostly good. Packing shall now commence as i move out on Tuesday, and yes, I did forget about my blog for a little while there. Busy, busy as a bee, but no more reason left to study. 

Plans for the night: Dinner, playoff hockey, a little more packing and probably some ice cream. I'm not going to lie, Phil Collins might sneak in on the end of year festivities as well. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ominous Puddle pt. 3

It's back...

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's Coming ....

So I realized I have less than two weeks of class left and only another two weeks of exams after that and then I'm done. Graduated, booted out into the cold, cold world that is real life. Except not really because I'm going to school elsewhere next year. So technically I have one more summer to milk the student attitude and lifestyle I've become so accustomed to (with some changes). And it's a good thing because boy am I not ready to grow up - at ALL. So instead of making a list of personal Goalatudes (which last year went quite well, actually) I am going to be brainstorming things I want to do with friends or fun things to do on my own. I also fully expect to enlist the help of my fellow blogette and bring some healthy ridiculousness to the blogosphere by documenting my fresh graduate antics in what shall henceforth be called The Real (non)Housewives of Oakville (season 3 because this will be the 3rd summer we are actively up in each other's business). Until then .....

Here's a little something to get you in the mood for summer craziness:

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I've just begun to listen to MGMT's new album Congratulations. So any feeling I have about it is extremely fresh. I haven't had time to completely let it seep in, nor have I decided whether I really like it. Overall first impressions though is that it is pretty good and I definitely want to listen to it again. Oracular Spectacular was a perfect album for the summer of 2008 and I hope that Congratulations will fit into this niche on my ipod as well. The album will officially be released in the next few weeks but for now the band is graciously streaming it HERE, and since this graciousness was prompted by a premature leak, I'm sure one would be able to download the entire thing for their listening pleasure elsewhere.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Have One On Me .... Okay!

Gah! I want so bad! Are you there God? It's me, Cait. I want Joanna Newsom's new album for my birthday please!

Good Intentions Paving Company:

I should note that I was never a Joanna fan. The one song I like was Peach, Plum, Pear and that took quite a bit of getting used to. Her voice was at first a bit much for me to take, but I think she's really done something wonderful here and it might even inspire me to go back and reconsider my position on Ys or Milk-Eyed Mender - might.
Oh, and happy Saturday!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

An Education

First off, I know I haven't blogged in a while but I was under great duress as the date for my seminar presentation on Le Morte d'Arthur drew closer over the past 2 weeks. Thankfully that presentation has, as of 4pm today, been delivered and since I am zapped of any useful energy to direct toward the four essays I must now complete, I've decided to do a little something here. So forgive this delayed post but I simply must talk about An Education.

I am so desperately in love with everything about this film. The story, the clothes, the music - it is all more wonderful than the last. The message of this film is so inspiring and I really cannot say enough about the performances, especially that of Carey Mulligan. What prompted me to watch An Education was the impending Oscars. I realized that I had only seen one of the films nominated for best picture - UP! - yes I was woefully out of the movie loop and that hasn't really changed too much quite honestly. I still haven't seen Avatar, Precious or The Hurt Locker. But I was so there for It's Complicated which is one of my favourite films of 2009 so I suppose that somewhat makes up for it. Anyway, come Oscar weekend I was feeling particularly lazy and so I decided to watch a couple movies that were up for some nominations. I watched Up in the Air which I thought was okay, but that Anna Kendrick did not deserve a nomination and Vera Farmiga's character left me unimpressed.
Then I watched An Education and was blown away by how such a simple story could resonate so much with me. As a soon to be University graduate the one nosy question I get most from anyone is what I plan on doing with my life. The second, once someone learns of my concentration is a little more judgemental - Classics and English Literature, they say, do you plan to teach? Um no. And so when Carrey's character struggles with decision to attend university (which she sees as inevitably leading to a sad life as a teacher) or letting her much older beaux take care of her and forego her education completely I was excited. Finally a story that valued education and not vacuous beauty/charm. Also endearing Carey's Jenny is so enjoyable to watch. She's smart, she's sweet, she's sharp. Oh I lover her even in all her silliness, she is jsut 17 after all. Another trait that endeared me to her was her struggle with Latin, I hear ya sister! If you are firmly anti institutional education, then perhaps this is not the film for you. If you, however, Are begging to be shown why you've spent four years tirelessly working away at dead languages and dead poets - look no further. 

Oh right, the soundtrack. I loved just about every song I heard in this film. Particularly these two:

Sur Les Quais Du Vieux Paris by Juliette GrĂ©co

Smoke without Fire by Duffy
click to listen

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Hump Day

"barney is more concerned with “dynamic range compression” and “the loudness wars” than the fact that he has shitty taste in music"

It's that time of the week again, when I try to make it a little more bearable for myself by bringing the cute, cuddly, and delightful. Check out because quite frankly, it is the best.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cozumel Veggies.

Ever since I can remember my mum has had papier mache veggies in the kitchen. I loved them and used to play with them. Yes, I played with veggies - moving on. When my mum moved to Wisconsin these veggies disappeared (read: I'm sure she threw them out) and I missed them terribly. Luckily on her recent trip to Cozumel she picked some up and sent me a picture for proof. I love them, even if they are extra shiny, unlike their original counterparts. Also there are some additions to the original bunch, like the avocado and is that a hot yellow pepper. What is with this new fangled veggie platter?

Canadian Music, Olympic Misfire

Watching the latter part of the Olympic Closing Ceremonies last night I was struck by what awful choices of performers the organizers had made. I couldn't even respect them let alone enjoy them. As each act was announced I became more and more frustrated and ragey. Canada is home to some truly wonderful musicians. There are the world renowned standards such as Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young and The Guess Who. Then there are the decidedly more contemporary established artists such as Rufus Wainwright, Celine Dion, Michael Buble, The Hip. And then there are the critical darlings, popular and bursting with talent; The Arcade Fire, The New Pornographers, Stars, the list really goes on and on. So why then was the concert portion of last nights ceremony packed with such dreadful artists? Nickelback, Avril Lavigne, Hedley, Simple Plan? Not only are these bands (save for Nickelback, unfortunately) irrelevent internationally. They are barely respected in Canada. Most people, excepting adolescents whose track record of music choice should be written off entirely, cringe when these bands come on the radio.

Now, nobody likes a complainer who brings no constructiveness to the situation so I've compiled a list of my dream performers/songs. They are mainstream enough not to scare off older/younger folks and relevant/hip enough to satisfy people like myself. A little more saucy and a lot more entertaining:

The Arcade Fire - Wake Up, Neighbourhood #3(Power Out), Rebellion (Lies)
K'Naan - Wavin' Flag (or, because that is the World Cup song), Take A Minute
Lights - Saviour or Second Go
Feist - Mushaboom or 1 2 3 4
Dragonette - Take it Like a Man
The New Pornographers - The Bleeding Heart Show
Stars - The Night Starts Here
Sam Roberts - Bridge to Nowhere

Monday, March 1, 2010

<3 <3 <3
Drool. I really, really want to live here. Details.

Watch the Cupola Film and prepare to lust after this penthouse that mixes classic and modern finishes.

Of course this is but a dream for the majority of us but just think, some lucky person is actually going to live there! everyday they'll get to wake up in that cupola. Jealous.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Oh Hai, Quatchi! This little guy arrived today. I am so excited. I've wanted on forever and this one even has the little Olympic red mittens like me.

He is so cute! Totally one of the best Olympic mascots in the history of Olympic Mascots.

Happy Hump Day

After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF (Why the face?)

These ads are adorable and ...
 the week is halfway to done. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

90s Techno Dance Party is Go.

As much as I like to pretend that I have a discerning taste in music, for the most part this claim is completely unfounded. It's not that I don't listen to what has critically been deemed excellent, oh do I ever. It's just that I, like many, listen to such a variety of styles and genres of music that it is impossible to choose my favourite or pretend that all of it is really good. As I was driving today my friend and fellow blogette comandeered the radio and turned it to some ghastly techno-dance station. Much to my surprise one of the first songs we heard, I in fact have on my ipod and quite enjoy.  Call it what you will, reminiscent or otherwise, but I truly enjoy dance and techno songs from the 90s and more and more from contemporary beats as well. I hope this isn't just a result of getting caught up in the jersey shore phenomenon. Anyway, It's a bit of a grey day where I am so here is my pitiful list of some of my favourite 90s dance songs to brighten your/my day:

I tried to stick with purely dance songs (i.e. no rap or pop) just for the hell of it. If this mix doesn't make you want to get up and shake your rump 90s style, then quite frankly, there is no hope for you. Now go forth and dance.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Top 3 ... Favourite Food Websites.

It's 2:30 and I've yet to eat today. I woke up after breakfast then fumbled about for a time before I was whisked away to my sister's hockey game. A couple of errands done and now I'm home and it's 2:30 and I'm about as starving as I've ever been. I can smell lunch being made but until it get's in my belly it's torture. Not to mention the added torture I do unto myself by flicking midlessly through some of my favourite foodie websites. Join me won't you?

1) Food Porn Daily.
   Click, drool, repeat.

2) The Kitchn.
An offshoot of another favourite, Apartment Therapy.

3) Epicute.
cute + silly.

Polaroid Scarf

wish I had $500 for every time I wanted a new scarf. 
If you have $500 for a new polaroid scarf (heh.) buy here: Reborn.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Waking Sleeping Beauty

Like many my age, Disney films of the late 80s, early 90s played a large role in my childhoo. I count them to be among my favourite films. It takes about 5 seconds into The Little Mermaid for me to weep with joy and sentimentality. Everything about The Lion King makes me wish I was 6 again and don't get me started on how amazing Lumiere and Cogsworth are in Beauty and the Beast. For me, these films, along with Aladdin, are some of the best ever made by Disney or anyone else. I cannot explain the depth of emotion in me that is connected to these films, their characters and the music. I also find it extremely difficult to choose my favourite. I suppose it is between The Little Mermaid and The Lion King, but they are so different. I do not remember a time in my life when I was ever unaware or unattached to The Little Mermaid, but I remember the specific feeling of joy upon being present (along with my stepsisters) with a shared copy of The Lion King.  I suppose they will remain forever tied together at the top of my list of favourite films.

Of course it will be of no surprise then when I say the trailer for this documentary on the people and years that produced my favourite films has me the definition of excited. Enjoy the preview below, hopefully this will be playing in a theatre near me. Oh and when is The Lion King coming out of the Disney vault. I am antsy.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mr. Williams

Brian Williams has kind of stolen my heart. I was listening to Q this morning and he was a guest. He is so thoughtful and cool and at one point it was casually brought up that he has a website called Britunes. What!? I didn't think this guy could get any more rad, but I was mistaken. He is so boss. Check out his website (chuckle, I love it!): Britunes
Spoiler!: He has pretty great taste in music.

Movie Poster Mashup

Over at there is a contest underway, Mate a Movie. My favourites so far are the ones mashing up, Up! and Up in the Air. That's a lot of 'ups' in one sentence. 
Check out more here

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lost Fans Unite!

Suddenly everything serious seems so funny. 
See more cartoons by Graham Annable here: Flickr Album.

Monday, February 15, 2010


It's New York Fashion week and The Times has a cool feature on it's blog displaying the before and after shots of some of the models. See the modelmorphosis.

Walking a Fine Line .... Between Pretty and Tough

Walking a Fine Line

Purge Plan Oh-10 Pt. 4

Part Four of my somewhat epic Purge Plan Oh-10 is a much smaller feat than those that have come before it. I decided to riffle through two of the random bags and containers in my bedroom closet. The rest of the closet is pretty much organized - It's full of clothes, shoes and bags which I wear fairly regularly. Of the things that need to be sorted through from this closet: one contains office supplies and odds and ends, while the other has toiletries. I'll admit, like clothes, and hand creams, I have an excessive amount of makeup and note pads. First up, my overflow of office supplies...

Before and After. This box just required some reorganizing. I needed to put some of the things in other boxes and some in my desk organizer (pencils!) but other than that I kept almost everything. The only thing I can't find a home for is my old reusable batter charger. I don't have that brand of battery anymore, nor do I know where to find them. I've also already got a newer version so ..... garbage? Seems like a waste. 

Next up is my toiletries bag. My two step-sisters bought this bag from Sephora  for me when I was in my first year of university and it was a swell shower bag while in residence. Now though, I use it as more of a storage place or more accurately, a place where makeup goes to die. I say this because once I put stuff in this bag and then put the bag in my closet, I completely forget about it. So while this has resulted in having to throw out a few tubes of mascara, it's also allowed me a few fun surprises:

Like this Soothing eye mask (maybe I'll use this tonight)! And a brand new Nars blush (though this blush proves the point that I have far too much make up in comparison to what I actually wear which is very little to none at all on a dail basis. You see, I already have a Nars blush in the exact same colour in use and not yet near finished.)

Or this tube of Estee Lauder lipstick. I don't wear lipstick - My lips and teeth are a fair size on their own without loads of pinkish red attention - but the smell of this lipstick is yummy and reminds me of the Bahamas.   With this lipstick I also got gloss that smells the same and I got it around the time I went to the Bahamas 3 years ago. 

And here is just a small sample of the shadows I have that I never use. Keep in my that these are the ones that never see the light of day, so I'm sure you can imagine how much more I have in my actually make case for day-to-day. yikes!


Alexandre Bilodeau

Canada, more specifically Alexandre Bilodeau, won Gold in Men's Moguls tonight and it was exhilarating, edge-of-your-seat action. I am so happy, so proud, and so tired. Being a spectator is hard work. I cannot imagine anyone else carrying the Canadian flag at the closing ceremonies. Truly inspiring.

Here is more of his story at ctv.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February Fourteenth

You know what it is. If you feel so inclined ... click here to make these crocheted hearts. 


Shiba Inu Puppy Cam

Do you watch the Shiba Inu Puppycam? You should. The whole concept is voyeuristic but cute and I totally am addicted. Sometime I take snapshots of cute moments. Here are some:

Visit the puppies here

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Summer in the City

It's official, my new obsession is Polyvore. You can find the link to my profile and creations under "Shove Elsewhere" to the right. I'm also sure I'll be posting some here. Enjoy! Go forth and create.

Pillow Post.

Good afternoon weekend warriors! I'm taking a break from reading Lady Audley's Secret, which is very enjoyable, to bring you a post about pillows! I absolutely love these pillows from Helkatdesign. Hand painted and sewn Brit-style throw pillows, could you ask for anything more.

Purge Plan Oh-10 Pt. 3

                                          looks benign, but ...                                            Boo!
Instead of studying I got the urge to continue on the war path against "stuff", this time in the hall closet. I have kept the majority of boxes I used while moving from home to residence to my 2nd year house to the apartment I am in now. So a lot of the extra stuff I have tucked away in closets is just empty boxes waiting to be used again when I move. There are, however, some random things in some of the boxes that need to be addressed.
this isn't even my box - I think I stole it from a former housemate?
Like sorting through clothes, it is important to have a plan of action that can be adhered to. This time however I didn't even know what I was I was going to be dealing with - I couldn't remember what was in any other boxes and it turns out - there wasn't much. I found a lot of newspapers (which I'll hold onto for packing up breakable stuff) and some random school supplies, an iron .... nothing too interesting.
Basically, this was one of the easiest steps in cleaning out my apartment and my literal closet, not the metaphorical one. I'm thinking the next spot I tackle is my bedroom closet. Though most of its contents are things I wear/use regularly, there are some things that need to be sorted through. not today though.

posting note: eek this post is a couple weeks old. whoops I've been bad at updating, but still keeping on track with my purge plan, promise!

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