A while ago I heard the demo of Marina and the Diamonds Obsessions and was instantly in love. Now she's released a video for I am Not a Robot and I am ecstatic! Enjoy and Happy Friday!
Friday, June 26, 2009
My Girl Friday
Topics: music
Thursday, June 25, 2009
.... The eff?
The sky is falling ... the world must be approaching doomsday: both Farrah Fawcett AND MJ passed away today - sad times =( - I think I'm going to go to bed before any more craziness happens.
Goodbye to
Charlie's Favourite Angel
... God bless that hair
Topics: pop culture
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I hope !THIS! is real (and not some staged nonsense) because it just made my night.
Also the word Pork Chop makes me giggle. All in all a wonderful night.
Topics: wtf
Monday, June 22, 2009
New Dream Bedroom
Dream rooms, like dreams themselves, change daily, or nightly I guess. Today, this room is my ideal bedroom ... who knows if it wil last 'till tomorrow, furthermore, who cares?
Topics: divine design
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Betsey, I Do Adore
Topics: family, fashion|smashion, Oakville
Friday, June 19, 2009
Britain's Got Hilarious Talent
My Dad sent this to me via email a couple days ago and it's still making me giggle. I was definitely enthralled with Riverdance and Lord of the Dance when it was popular (when was that? mid 90s?). I thought it was the coolest thing ... still do a little. Anyway, this is a brilliant comedic act, if anything, from this season's BGT (Um why was there not as big hoopla worldwide for these guys as there was for Ms. Susan Boyle?!) This Father-son duo clearly had the most fun of all constestants. Now that the show is over and SuBo hysteria has calmed down I think I can safely say ... I didn't really like her much - I didn't hate her, she just didn't charm me like she did the rest of the civilized world I suppose.
Topics: pop culture, television, theworldisawesome
Dream Home # Infinity
Topics: divine design, music
Top 3 ... Children's Shows I Wish Were Still on the Air
Remember your childhood - that foggy jumble of events all lumped together under the categories: Goodtimes, Badtimes, Embarrassing Times, and Times we won't ever bring up again (aka me getting hit in the back of the head with the ball during a soccer baseball tournament, and falling facedown in the baseball diamond sand - yeah)
Well Childhood Memories have one more thing up their sleeves - TV shows. I have watched a heck of a lot of TV shows, I believe this will be one of the few constants in my life. Some shows remain on the air while other perish and remain only in the memories of the children that loved them. This fact gave me the inspiration for today's Top 3 List: Children's Show I Wish Were Still on the Air
1) Under the Umbrella Tree
Izzy, Jacob, and Gloria - who would not want to be their friends. I remember wishing and praying that one day I could be as cool as Holly. And I had no idea that the house in the intro was not real. ..
2) The Smoggies:
This show is why i've always been so gung-ho about saving the environment one recyclable bottle at a time!
3) Today's Special
A Mannequin that comes to life at night and learns about the world through the teachings of deparment store associate ... um genius! I also longed to live in a doll house like Muffy ... maybe that dream will someday come true.
Because I watched so much TV it was very difficult to choose only three shows I wish were still on - here are the inevitable honourable mentions:
- Polka Dot Door - they split Humpty Dumpty into two separate enteties! This show could be the cause of my obsession with have a specific spot for things - at the end of each show they placed the stuffed animals in their proper position inside the house chest...
- The Elephant Show - I am convinced that this is the reason I love elephants so much - I actually jsut came to that realization now ... wow
- GhostWriter - I never really understood what Ghost Writer was but I knew that I loved it. Inner city kids solving mysteries with the help of poor animated graphics spelling out words in the air - LOVE IT.
Topics: ^3
Friday, June 12, 2009
Most Loved Headline of the Day
see accompanying article here.
Until this moment I did not know the word Gangsterism exsisted. I didn't know you could charge someone under it either. My day is a little brighter now.
I cannot believe I've never employed this word what with all my interest in Gang Land and Locked up Raw.
definition of gangsterism: the habit of using organized violence to achieve one’s ends.
Topics: theworldisawesome
A Public Service Announcement: Beware of SUSPICINOUNS
Sometime in the past two weeks and during one of my epic gchat conversations, I stumbled across a grouping of nouns that I am none too pleased with - SUSPICINOUNS. Suspicinouns are the shady nouns that like to think they are better than the rest because they confuse you and are often found within sentences with incorrect grammar. Don't be surprised if you stumble across a suspicinoun chilling in a dangling participle or spurring on a run on sentence. Suspicinouns I've seen so far today:
Swain (from iGoogle's word of the day)
iGoogle (google masquerading as a product of Mac)
Doodad (from my brain, wandering around trying to find a verb to pair up with - it settled on nestled ... could this be a suspiciverb!?!)
I just want everyone to be careful out there and keep your eyes peeled for any noun that may look a little out of place or odd. These are dangerous times we are living in. Words are morphing at frightening rates, need I remind you how short forms and acronyms such as lol, brb, rofl, and plpyt (okay I made up the last one) are taking over the English language!? And I am sure we are all aware of the alarming spike in personal word creation: Bootylicious, Ridonkulous, Refrickendiculous to name but a few. I really think they should air School House Rock again. My generation and those that follow have completely missed out on this wonderful teaching tool which is almost good as Telefrancais! This kind of proactive education could prevent children and adults alike from falling prey to the devious suspicinouns lurking on every page of every book ....
Topics: something:old:is:new:again, wtf
Top 3 ... Crayola Crayon Colours
note:I love how the title of this post contains an unintentional alliteration!
Today's Top 3: Favourite Crayola Crayon Colour Names!
Sigh and recall the blessed few years of your childhood via crayons ...
Because it is one of the most politically correct crayon colours (replaced: Flesh), along with Chestnut (formerly Indian Red).
2) Canary
Canary is one of those words that automatically brightens my day just by its association with yellow.
3) Banana Mania
Is it just me or does Crayola seem to have an uncanny ability to make your tummy go, "I'm HUNGARY - yes like the country" <-- my tummy gets confused easily ...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
True Blood
Confession. I LOVE True Blood. I la-la-la Love it. It is sooooo good. I don't even recall how I first got turned onto it but I know that it must have been one of the first two episodes that caught my attention because I remember last fall anxiously awaiting every Monday night for the moment when Dorcas had had enough time to download a good version of it for me to watch on my computer. The season was criminally short and ended with the biggest WTF!?! I have experienced from a tv show in recent memory ... although LOST was pretty decent in the what-the-hell-is-going-on-here-i-don't-believe-in-anything-anymore-please-stop-messing-with-my-brain-box department. Thankfully, I guess to keep the good ratings rolling with all the vampire hype, True Blood's second season begins this Sunday! Waiting for months after the super short season (omg I swear I'm not even trying for the alliterations anymore - ah - it's just happening!) is the second biggest trial of will right after composing myself and not cringing everytime Anna Paquin speaks with her ill conceived Louisiana accent. Maybe that IS how she would sound if she were a native Louisianian, but I don't like it, I don't like it one bit. What I do like is the faux poster, courtesy of Barney Stinson (best character EVER) that reads: CONFORMITY. It's the one who is different that gets left out in the cold". This was an obvious choice for the subject matter of this post: if you're one of the few who has yet to succumb to some form of vampiric entertainment ... well let's just say you are starting to stick out - and not in a good way. I know I know - I hate Twilight too but calm down, pull out an old Anne Rice novel or pop in your VHS of Interview with Vampire and get cozy because I'm pretty sure the frenzy won't die down at least until all the twilight ridiculousness is o-vah.
Clickity Click Here to see a promo for season 2 of True Blood!
Topics: pop culture, television
Afternoon Alliteration Anyone?
Please see HERE before reading this post...
Apparently I am not the only person who adores alliteration in the most unhealthiest of ways. Star's cover editor has a bad case of alliteration obsession and I love it. I don't read these weekly rags but Star has now firmly cemented its place as my most favouritest of them all! In related news ... wtf is Star magazine ...
Topics: pop culture, wtf
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Pristine Clean White
ooh la la! very chic, very white, very ... princessy. These snapshots are dreamy and that bed is to die for! That crystal clear desk cannot be that comfy or practical though, at least not for me. I would peg this room as more suited to a swanky hotel than a liveable home, but I'm not complaining either way.
It's Sunday which means the weekend is drawing to the inevitable close I have feared since Friday at 4. Boo hoo, where does the time go? Well, This weekend it ended up being spent on various things: a visit with a friend, a backyard barbeque with neighbours, UP in 3D with sister and a little bit of work. That's a nice even balance I suppose.
Topics: divine design
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Top 3 ... Weather Conditions
1) Thunderstorm
Thunderstorms are exciting, especially when the power goes out. I used to hate thunder and lightning, now I love it - oh the times they are a changing
2) Blue Skies with White clouds, hold the grey
Well who doesn't like a lovely spring day with the sun shining all about the place?
3) Snow Storm, from indoors
a. usually beautiful b. you can play in the snow afterward!
Topics: ^3
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thoughts on a Windy Thursday
Sometimes when I'm riding my bike fast on a particularly windy day I feel like Macaulay Culkin in The Pagemaster.
I like the neckrest pillows in this photo. This bed is short on style but high on function - really the most practical I've come across on any design blog.
Topics: *sigh, divine design
Not sure how I feel about this ...
I do love the Nietzsche quote at the beginning, It also begins one of my favourite movies The Abyss. (although they've mixed up the source ... ironically?)
I don't like that poor baby being terrorized for the majority of the video.
I do love the MGMT sweatband
I don't like that this song is over played and outdated - why would they release a video now?
I do love the animation which at one point reminds me of Sailor Moon's transformation.
It's thursday, I'm meh about life: decide for yourself
My favourite comments under this video on Stereogum were:
Just in time for last summer!
Doing stuff like this to children is what makes the olsen twins do so much cocaine
Joanna Newsom's parenting skills kinda suck
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Goalatude Progress Update: G.2
Topics: Goalatudes, lit.
Respect Wordsworth.
What a wonderful way to begin a new month! This morning, while eating breakfast, my sister handed me an envelope from the Queen's English Department, the contents of which was an acceptance into the 4th year honours program of both Classics and English! Let me explain. For some time now I have been toying with the idea of changing majors. This is not always the easiest or wisest decision when you are going into your last year of school. When I spoke to the Classics Department head she gave me the old raised eyebrow in response. But as Queen's Classics majors know, the Classics Department LIES all the time. Example: this year I attended a Classics info session for first years by accident (mislead by my latin prof - lie #1). During the course of the presentation one of my favourite Classics profs laid out available courses - LIES, only half of these courses are available in a given year. Then she insisted one would not have to take up a classical language in order to satisfy their degree requirments unless they want to go to Grad school - LIES! There aren't enough courses offered NOT to take either Latin or Greek, and most often both are needed. Here is where I find joy in my English department acceptance. Because I've been accepted into the honours English program now, I WILL NEVER TAKE ANOTHER LATIN CLASS - THANK YOU SWEET JESUS! Latin as I have mentioned on this blog before is the bane of my exsistence. Although it gives me a certain pleasure in knowing that I can read a dead language that was used for 1000s of years by some of the most historically important people on earth, Subjunctives, Deponent Verbs and 2nd Declension Nouns populate my nightmares. OH HAPPY DAY!
In honour of this momentous occasion I give you MC Nuts for Cumbria Tourism rapping William Wordsworth's poem Daffodils. I myself am partial to Blake, but Respect Wordsworth.
Topics: lit., stayinschool
Monday, June 1, 2009
Goaltude Update: G.7
Goalatude No.7 on my ultimate Summer Goalatudes List was to find a craft and do it awesomely. Well, I'm not sure about the awesomely part but I did find a craft and do it. I had spent a couple weeks gathering materials and such in preparation for this craft and yesterday I finally worked on it. I chose to make a magazine holder out of an old cereal box. I saw this idea at least 10 years ago well watching one of my favourite afterschool shows (there are many) Art Attack. It is extremely simple which means that even I couldn't mess it up too badly. This craft also has the potential to be environmentally friendly (YAY!) because you can recycle your old cereal boxes within your home in the process. Unfortunately I bought more paper to decorate my box so I don't think mine met the criteria for being completely EF (Boo!). Craft Stats:
- Cost: approx. $30.00 (not including cereal, I had to buy everything else: paper, Mod podge, acrylic paint, patterned tape - bought enough for 3 boxes)
- Time spent: approx. 31/2 - 4hrs (waiting for the paint and mod podge to dry)Frustration: 6.5/10 (wrinkled paper and mod podge everywhere)Fun: 7.5/10 (crafts are ALWAYS FUN! isn't that why people do them?!?)
All in all I think my box looks faboosh (where have I seen this word?) and was actually pretty idiot proof.
- cut the box (you can figure it out)
- paint it: let paint dry then repeat 'till box design is completely covered.
- Once paint is dry paint a layer of mod podge over to seal it up.
- measure and cut paper: glue it side at a time using mod podge. (cover the paper in mod podge so it seals onto the box)
- take tape and stick around box in a continual line.
- place magazines in box...
et Voila! Craft done! When I work up enough energy I'll make some more but until then Goalatude No.7 has been completed!
Topics: Goalatudes, handmade
June 1st
Maybe this month I will break my own most posts in a month record. Okay self, I accept that challenge. I should be careful that I don't binge blog too much though, I need to pace myself.
Some things to share with you today in celebration of the beginning of the 6th month of the year:
- Gingerbread Ka Mate Haka (check out the real one >here< I watched quite a few of these and by far the best part is the facial expressions from the other teams. Also, the New Zealand All Blacks are now my favourite team of any sport, anywhere.
- Total Eclipse of the Heart (Literal Version) ..... from Dlisted (click!click!)
- My Dream Apartment ....from Apartment Therapy New York (click me beyotch)
- Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions (specifically the JJ Abrams Keyboard Solo) .... from MTV (click me)
Topics: C-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e, divine design, television, theworldisawesome, wtf